Roses are red
Violets are blue
Sugar is sweet
And so are you!
An early version of the poem read:
The rose is red
The violet’s blue
Sugar is sweet
And so are you.
Nursery Rhymes, Songs, and Fingerplays for Kids
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Sugar is sweet
And so are you!
An early version of the poem read:
The rose is red
The violet’s blue
Sugar is sweet
And so are you.
Last month it was April showers and now we have moved on to May flowers. In honor of May Day (although I know I’m a few days late) I’ve collected 15 flower poems for you. I’ve tried to vary them so you have flower fingerplays, flower poems, and flower songs. There are also poems about flowers in general as wells as ones about tulips, daffodils and daisies. There is even a great bedtime poem. I’ve included it at the end of the list.
In addition to the flower poems you can teach your little ones and use in storytime programs, I’m also excited to share with you a new album from Charity and the JAMband. This album, Earth, has a great message for kids and families about taking care of the earth and showing kindness to each other.
Be sure to click on the title of the poem to find the full lyrics. With 15 flower poems you will find something to work with any flower storytime program, or enough to create several programs around this theme.
I have heard that talking to plants encourages their growth. I thought of that nugget when I first heard “Sing a Summer Song” on the album Earth from Charity and the JAMband. The song speaks of singing a song for summer, singing a song for flowers, singing a song for dirt and singing a song for you and me. Music has such power to reach little ones. Music can guide them in their learning. Music can also broaden their understanding. This song would be a great addition to a storytime program. You could play it as a welcome song while little ones gather before storytime starts. Or it could be used as a song to play while little ones played with instruments.
You can read more about the story of “Sing a Summer Song” on Charity’s blog. You can also connect with the band on their website or on Twitter (@jamband). You can also pick up a copy of Earth on Amazon or download it from iTunes.
Five little flowers growing in a row,
The first one said, “I’m purple you know!”
The second one said, “I’m pink as pink can be.”
The third one said, “I’m blue like the sea.”
The fourth one said, “I’m a very red fellow.”
And the fifth one said, “My color is yellow.”
Then out came the sun, big and bright.
And five little flowers smiled in delight.
Five little flowers standing in the sun (hold up five fingers)
See their heads nodding, bowing one by one? (bend fingers several times)
Down, down, down comes the gentle rain (raise hands, wiggle fingers and lower arms to simulate falling rain)
And the five little flowers lift their heads up again! (hold up five fingers)
Five little tulips bright and gay, (hold up fingers and thumb on one hand)
Let us water them each day. (make sprinkle motion with other hand)
Watch them open in the bright sunlight. (cup hand, then open it)
Watch them when it is night. (close hand again)
(Tune: “I’m a Little Teapot“)
I’m a little daisy, tall and slim (Stand on tiptoes)
Here are my petals (Place hands on side of head & wiggle fingers)
Here is my stem (Hold arms down at sides of legs)
When the sun comes up (Make sun with arms)
And the rain comes down (Flutter hands to floor like rain-end in crouching position)
I grow, grow, grow- up from the ground! (slowly raise up bring hand over head)
Download this instrumental version of I’m a Little Teapot to listen and practice offline.
Five spring flowers, all in a row.
The first one said, “We need rain to grow!”
The second one said, “Oh my, we need water!”
The third one said, “Yes, it is getting hotter!”
The fourth one said, “I see clouds in the sky.”
The fifth one said, “I wonder why?”
Then BOOM went the thunder
And ZAP went the lightning!
That springtime storm was really very frightening!
But the flowers weren’t worried–no, no, no!
The rain helped them to grow, grow, GROW!
Yellow, yellow daffodil, dancing in the sun.
Oh yellow, yellow daffodil, you tell me spring has come.
I can hear a blue bird sing, and hear a robin call.
But yellow, yellow daffodil, I love you most of all.
(Tune: “I’m a Little Teapot“)
I’m a little flower pot mom put out (point to self)
If you take care of me, I will sprout. (nod head, point to self)
When you water me, I will grow (make sprinkling motions w/ right hand)
Into a pretty flower, don’t you know! (raise left hand slowly up from
floor, make wide circle with hands or arms)
(Tune: “The Farmer In The Dell“)
The farmer plants the seeds
The farmer plants the seeds
Hi, Ho and Cheery-O
The farmer plants the seeds.
The sun begins to shine
The sun begins to shine
Hi, Ho and Cheery-O
The sun begins to shine.
The rain begins to fall
The rain begins to fall
Hi, Ho and Cheery-O
The rain begins to fall.
The plants begin to grow
The plants begin to grow
Hi, Ho and Cheery-O
The plants begin to grow.
The flowers smile at us
The flowers smile at us
Hi, Ho and Cheery-O
The flowers smile at us.