The evening is coming, the sun sinks to rest;
The crows are all flying straight home to the nest.
“Caw!” says the crow, as he flies overhead;
“It’s time little people were going to bed!”
The flowers are closing; the daisy’s asleep
The primrose is buried in slumber so deep.
Closed for the night are the roses so red;
It’s time little people were going to bed!
The butterfly, drowsy, has folded its wing;
The bees are returning; no more the birds sing.
The labor is over, their nestlings are fed;
It’s time little people were going to bed!
Looking for more bedtime poems?
Can you tell me more about this rhyme (song). Who wrote it and when? It is already a song? We are independent filmmakers looking for a specific type of song. The words could fit for our purpose but it not sure who owns the rights and if there is already music that goes with them
Cassie, as far as I’ve been able to determine, this poem is in the public domain. When I have seen it published, the author is listed as “unknown.” I’m not aware of any music connected to this rhyme. Best wishes on your project!
Have a look at children’s songs by Sandra beech, she sings verses very similar to these- I think the song is called the pony