A Good-bye Rhyme
Wave high, wave low
I think it’s time we’ve got to go.
Wave your elbows, wave your toes,
Wave your knees, wave your nose.
Wave your chin, wave your lips,
Blow a kiss from your fingertips.
Wave your ears, wave your eyes,
Wave your hands and say “Good-bye!”
With Infants
Lay the infant on a blanket or on your lap. Tickle each body part as it is mentioned. Help the infant wave good-bye with their hands.
With Young Toddlers
Either sit facing your sitting toddler, or have your toddler sit on your lap. If facing each other you can mirror your toddler by waving each body part as it it mentioned. If toddler is sitting on your lap, you can help them wave each body part as it is mentioned.