“Jessie is a Turtle Girl” sings Elli.
“Jessie is a Turtle Girl” sings Sammi.
“Turtle Girl! Turtle Girl!” hollers Scott.
Roger Day has won us over again! We were first introduced to Roger Day when we reviewed Why Does Gray Matter (his awesome CD all about the brain). Then we actually got to meet Roger Day at our library in Tennessee last summer. It was then that we first learned about his project to create a school curriculum all about marshes, their plant and animal inhabitants and how they create a healthy ecosystem. After experiencing the successful way he incorporated facts about the brain into upbeat, catchy tunes I had no doubt that Marsh Mud Madness would be awesome. And it is!

Turtles have become an obsession of sorts for our kids. They love it when Brent draws turtles and then they draw turtles for days. Scott has a favorite turtle story he tells (it’s a tragedy and non-fiction). So it was a no-brainer that the kids would love “Turtle Girl” which actually appears twice on the album. Once as recorded in the studio and once as recorded live at the Savannah Music Festival where most of the songs on the album were recorded. We also love “Mosquito Burrito” which was originally on Rock N Roll Rodeo and was performed at the Savannah Music Festival and is also included on Marsh Mud Madness. Because what would a marsh be without mosquitoes???
So the nerd in me loves that Roger Day’s website also includes ideas for incorporating his sings into learning experiences for young children. You can check out the wide range of ideas and age groups on his website. Even Brent and I has a lovely impromptu lesson on estuaries and deltas as a result of the song “Flushing Out the Estuary.”
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