Released last month, Animal Tales has been a super hit with our clan. Key Wilde and Mr Clarke weave facts, storytelling and music into a beautiful listening experience. Animal Tales was part of our Road Trip Soundtrack to Hershey last month and we loved singing along to Bear Song and Alligator Get-Together.

Today, Key Wilde and Mr Clarke are debuting a new music video from Animal Tales.
Armando Armadillo is the story of a hardworking family man just trying to get home safely to his wife and three sets of gender-identical quadruplets. The video is reminiscent of the Brady Bunch and the computer game Frogger. Man, I loved playing Frogger. Check out Armando’s road crossing skills now!
To celebrate the release of Animal Tales and the music video for Armando Armadillo, Key Wilde and Mr Clarke are offering a free download of this song from their Soundcloud page. You can also stay up to date with this energetic duo on Facebook or their website.