5 Little Squirrels in a Tree
Five little squirrels are sitting in a tree
The first squirrel said, “These nuts are for me.”
The second squirrel said, “I like to eat!”
The third squirrel said, “Nuts are a treat.”
The fourth squirrel said, “Do you want some?”
The fifth squirrel said, “You may have one.”
The five little squirrels went bob, bob, bob.
The five little squirrels went nod, nod, nod.
{nod head}
The five little squirrels went patter, patter, patter.
The five little squirrels went chatter, chatter, chatter.
{open and close fingers in a talking motion}
The five little squirrels scolded you and me
{shake head and wag finger}
As they sat and ate the nuts on the big, tall tree.
{pretend to eat nuts}
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