Recess Monkey is at it again! After their June release of Deep Sea Diver, they released a follow-up album this fall. Desert Island Disc was released earlier this month. In the short time we’ve been reviewing kids’ music (for grown ups, too!) Recess Monkey has released four albums. But the most amazing part is that they are all fantastic. How Drew, Jack and Korum can continually produce quality lyrics, danceable melodies and enough energy to wear out my children is beyond me! But they do, again and again. And we love them for it. We are Monkeynauts through and through.

On our first listen through of Desert Island Disc I was struck by how simple the music was. There were fewer instruments and a stronger focus on vocals. On my second listen through I really felt like I was on an island relaxing on the beach listening to these songs. The lighter sound really caters to an island feel.
Of course, we have some favorite songs. The kids always ask to repeat The Hermit, all about a crustacean looking for a new shell. I always find myself singing The Cave at random times during the day. And it doesn’t even bother me that it’s stuck in my head! Dessert Island is a lullaby to bring you down from the sugar high of all the sweets found there. Perfect for all the sugar that kids are about to consume on Halloween.
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