Big Books, Little Books
Big books,
Little books,
Short books,
Fat books,
Skinny books,
I love them all!
Actions for Big Books, Little Books
Big books, (hold arms out wide)
Little books, (bring hands in close together, palms facing, hands upright)
Short books, (keep hands close together and palms facing but change so hands are one on top of the other)
Tall (stretch top hand up high in the sky)
Fat books, (hold arms in a big circle)
Skinny books, (bring hands close together again, this time wiggling fingers)
I love them all! (wrap arms around yourself in a hug)
Big Books, Little Books is a great welcome rhyme to begin a laptime or storytime program. It’s easy for parents and caregivers to move a babies arms or help a toddler do the actions.
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