We’ve been totally inspired by the Pop Ups new maker-themed album Appetite for Construction. If you’re little ones aren’t in school yet, you may not be familiar with the “maker” trend in bringing children into a wonderful world of creativity. Children as early as kindergarten are attending STEM classes. STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. Children get to witness and participate in real world applications of these fields in age appropriate ways. I love that schools are focusing on making “making” fun!

If you spend most of your time with the under 5 crowd this being a new focus may surprise you. Toddlers and preschoolers are natural makers. They are prolific makers. Every waking moment is filled with discovering the way their world works. Our joy is in learning to be makers all over again by following their lead.
The songs on Appetite for Construction bring shapes, building, robots, glitter and craft night together in upbeat, energetic melodies. Use these songs to inspire your activities as you ad your little ones explore science, technology, engineering or math concepts.