Fall is a delightful time of year to have a preschooler in your life. From pumpkin patch field trips to candy apple treats, fall offers plenty of opportunities to explore new colors, new smells, and new songs. Use these five fall songs for preschoolers in your next circle time or storytime program.
Autumn Leaves Are Falling Down
Find the full lyrics to one of the fall songs for preschoolers “Autumn Leaves Are Falling Down” here.
I’m a Little Squirrel
Sung to I’m a Little Teapot
I’m a little squirrel, fuzzy and gray
When fall comes, I gather nuts all day
So that when the winter comes, you see,
I’ll have food for my family and me.
Fall Is Here
Sung to Frere Jacques
Fall is here.
Fall is here.
Yes it is.
Yes it is.
We can see the leaves change
Then they fall on the ground.
Blow away
Blow away
Juicy Apples
Find the full lyrics to one of the fall songs for preschoolers “Juicy Apples” here.
Leaves, Leaves
Sung to Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Leaves are falling down,
Falling on the ground.
Red and yellow
Orange and brown,
Leaves are falling down.
Books to go with Falls Songs for Preschoolers
Play to Learn Preschool compiled a list of the best books about fall for preschoolers. They make a great complement to the fall songs for preschoolers listed above.

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