One of my favorite Halloween fingerplays is 5 Little Pumpkins. This collection of witch songs, fingerplays, books, and crafts is inspired by the witches flying in the air spotted by the second pumpkin.

Witches in Books

Witches in Songs, Rhymes, and Fingerplays
Zoom on a Broom
Zoom, zoom, zoom
Climb aboard my broom.
Zoom, zoom, zoom,
We’re flying past the moon.
If you want to fly tonight,
To give a spok or give a fright.
Zoom, zoom, zoom,
Climb aboard my broom
In 5…4…3…2…1
Five Little Witches
Five little witches standing by the door. (hold up five fingers)
One flew out and then there were four. (Flying motion with hand)
Four little witches standing by a tree. (four fingers)
One went to pick a pumpkin and then there were three. (picking motion with three fingers)
Three little witches stirring their brew. (stir)
One fell in and then there were two. (two fingers)
Two little witches went for a run. (run with fingers)
One got lost and then there was one. (one finger)
One little witch, yes, only one. (one finger)
She cast a spell and now there are none. (make motions as if to cast spell and then put hands in lap).
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